提供最高质量的个性化医疗保健是我们在戴国内买球的正规网站有哪些的目标. We work hard to respect patients’ needs, 价值观和尊严,并相信病人应该与我们合作,为他们提供医疗服务. 这些病人的权利和责任将帮助我们与您合作,提供最好的护理. If you are a minor or unable to speak for yourself, these rights and responsibilities, 适当的, will be given to your parent or legal guardian.
You are our valued patients. Your rights include, but are not limited to the following:
- To be provided appropriate medical treatment, regardless of your ability to pay or your race, 国家的起源, 性, 或宗教信仰-戴金博尔医疗保健公司遵守适用的联邦民权法,不存在种族歧视, color, 国家的起源, 年龄, 残疾, 或性. 点击 在这里 to read Day Kimball Healthcare's entire Nondiscriminatory Policy. ATTENTION: If you speak a langu年龄 other than English, are deaf or hard of hearing, langu年龄 assistance services are provided free of charge. 呼叫 (860) 928-6541 ext. 2342或分机. 2229; for TTY, dial 711 and ask to be connected to (860) 928-6541 ext. 2342或分机. 2229;
- To be treated with respect, consideration, and dignity;
- To receive information about financial assistance;
- To receive a full explanation of all charges, including an itemized and detailed explanation of your bill, 如果需要;
- 在安全的环境中接受照顾,不受任何形式的虐待或骚扰;
- 接待访客、邮件和电话,除非这些事情在医学上是不可取的;
- 如果英语不是你的主要语言,请找一名翻译(询问你的护士是否需要翻译);
- 如果您有听力障碍或耳聋,需要使用特殊设备和/或翻译(请咨询您的护理主管或拨打分机2342);
- 确保所有个人和医疗信息的机密性, including your medical record;
- 尊重你的文化遗产,满足你的宗教和/或精神需要和价值观;
- To be examined in a place that is private;
- 当你接受异性的治疗时,有一个同性的人在场;
- 私下讨论你的处境和照顾;
- 拒绝与不直接参与护理的人见面或交谈;
- 了解所有影响您作为患者的护理和行为的医院规章制度;
- To ask for a different room if you’re having a problem;
- To have all reasonable requests responded to promptly and politely; Medical Rights
- 了解主治医生的姓名、专长和资历;
- To be free from restraints and isolation not medically necessary;
- To expect prompt and effective treatment of pain;
- To know the relationship between your doctor and the hospital;
- To review your medical record with your doctor or nurse;
- 得到一个完整的解释,为什么你或你所爱的人需要转移到另一家医院, if a transfer is medically necessary;
- 当你出院时,被告知你的持续健康需求;
- 要求在你的家人或所爱的人死后对他们进行尸检. 你有权要求一名与戴·国内买球的正规网站有哪些无关的医生在另一家医院进行尸检. 尸体解剖的费用由死者的近亲属负责;
- To consult with a specialist
Rights of Decision Making
- To information about all aspects of your care;
- To be fully informed about your diagnosis;
- To know your treatment options and alternatives;
- To participate in decisions regarding your care;
- To refuse treatment to the extent permitted by law;
- To give informed consent to decisions regarding your care;
- To refuse to participate in re搜索 or experimental projects;
- To choose the hospital w在这里 you are cared for;
- 制定预先指示(生前遗嘱)并指定一个人为您做出医疗保健决定, in case you become unable to speak for yourself;
- 接受停止或撤销维持生命治疗的说明
病人 Responsibilities
- To follow the treatment plan recommended by your doctor, 包括遵循医院护士和其他卫生保健提供者的指示;
- To provide accurate and complete information to your doctor, nurse or other health care provider, 包括你身体状况的任何变化和已知的食物或药物过敏;
- To ask questions if you do not understand any aspect of your care;
- 通知你的医生或护士,并提供预先指示(生前遗嘱)的副本, 如果你有;
- 询问你的医生或护士关于疼痛和疼痛管理的预期.
- To discuss pain relief options.
- 帮助医生或护士评估你的疼痛,并告诉他们你的疼痛是否没有缓解
- 如果你拒绝治疗或不听从医生或护士的指示,你要对自己的行为和状况负责
- 确保您的医疗保健服务账单尽快支付,或与患者账户代表作出适当安排
If You Have a Concern About Your Care
我们鼓励您分享您对护理的任何担忧. 我们有一个听取和回应关切和其他问题的全面计划. 我们将尽一切努力及时解决这一关切或问题. Our plan offers you several options for filing a concern.
Important Phone Numbers for Resolving Concerns or Problems
(All extensions are for (860) 928-6541 unless otherwise noted.)
- Quality Department - (800) 398-3383
- 外语翻译服务——向护士咨询语言热线服务
- Services for hard-of-hearing or deaf patients – ext. 2342或分机. 2229 (after hours)
- ICU/Telemetry Nurse Director – ext. 2370
- Med/Surg/Peds Nurse Director – ext. 2329
- Emergency Department Nurse Director – ext. 2409
- Maternal Child Health Nurse Director – ext. 2312
- Inpatient Behavioral Health Director – ext. 2556
- Pediatric Center, Oncology and Specialty Clinics – ext. 2476
- Ethics Committee – ext. 6344
如果这些人不能让你满意地解决你所关心的问题, 您可以通过电话或邮件与医院院长办公室联系. The telephone number is (860) 928-6541, extension 2211. The mailing address is:
Assistant to the President
Day Kimball Hospital
320 Pomfret Street
普特南,CT. 06260
所有的担忧或问题都将由医院的管理部门进行初步审查,您将收到一封确认收到您的担忧或问题的信件. 如果合适的话, your concern may be forwarded to Nursing 政府, 医务人员、部门主席或部门经理进行审查和跟进. 如果需要更多信息,您可能会与这些人联系.
院长拥有处理行政事务的最终权力, treatment or discharge issues
医院管理部门收到的所有关注和问题将在七天内进行审查并作出回应. 您将收到一封信,详细说明您所关注的问题的审查结果
If, after this administrative review, you wish to pursue your concern, you may contact the following state 年龄ncies:
Department of Public Health
410 Capitol Avenue
哈特福德CT. 06134
(860) 509-7400 ——电话
(860) 509-7191 - - - - - - TDD
Office of Quality Monitoring
The Joint Commission
One Renaissance Boulevard
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
电话: (800)-994-6610
传真: (630) 792-5636
电子邮件: complaint@jointcommission.org